Research on Modern Ocean Pasture: Smart Farming Blue Granary

Mon, 08/26/2024 - 16:41
ocean pasture
ocean pasture

On the coast of the South China Sea, in the vast blue territory, through the "Hengyi 1" aquaculture platform for deep sea aquaculture, Kanpachi fish, Seriola quinqueradiata, grew to eight pounds in just four months. What are the secrets behind it? How to firmly grasp the "Chinese core" of fisheries and intelligently cultivate the "blue granary" from seed industry, breeding, equipment to deep processing? What technological innovations are behind the high-quality development of the marine industry? Empowering the high-quality development of fisheries with new quality productivity, a song of "ocean pastoral music" is being sung in southern Guangdong.

湛江湾实验室 | 深圳卫视大湾区会客厅