Is Yangcheng Lake hairy crab delayed from market?

Sun, 09/08/2024 - 09:33
hairy crab
hairy crab (CCTV)

According to a report by CCTV Finance, the popular Yangcheng Lake hairy crab will be postponed from release!

Due to the high temperature in summer, 60-70% of Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs have delayed their final molting by half a month compared to previous years, and it will take more than 20 days to mature and be released on the market. This year, the highest water temperature in the lake area is close to 40 ℃, and the aquatic plants in the lake are prone to decay. Farmers need to replenish the aquatic plants every three days. Breeding losses have also increased accordingly. It is expected that with the increase of breeding losses and costs, the price of large-sized hairy crabs will rise this year compared to previous years.

幸福福田 | CCTV Finance