In the 2024 fishing season, Asia became the second largest market for Canadian snow crab exports

Mon, 09/16/2024 - 15:13
Canadian snow crab
Canadian snow crab fishing (screenshot)

In the 2024 fishing season, the price advantage of Canadian snow crabs has driven their excellent performance in the market. This year, the demand for Canadian snow crabs in the Asian market has performed well, becoming the second largest import market after the United States. According to Statistics Canada, from the start of the April snow crab fishing season until the end of July, the total amount of snow crabs exported from Canada to the Asian market was approximately 6,620 tons.

The Chinese market purchases Canadian snow crabs relatively one month later than the international market, and the purchase price is slightly higher than the international market. Therefore, if Chinese importers have already planned annual orders, especially for customers who want to purchase St. Lawrence Bay snow crabs, it is undoubtedly the best choice to inquire at the New Brunswick booth during the Boston Seafood Show. The best snow crab products for the new fishing season in the Bay Area are usually available for pre-sale during the Boston Seafood Show each year. New Brunswick province has the ability to process snow crabs into various forms of products, such as whole snow crabs, shoulder snow crab legs, cocktail crab claws, snow crab meat, etc., to meet the needs of different markets.
