New Zealand's top-quality salmon sashimi, air-shipped to China and kept fresh throughout the journey

Fri, 11/15/2024 - 23:57
New Zealand King Salmon
New Zealand King Salmon (screenshot)

Fresh New Zealand King Salmon

Produced in the Big Glory Bay fishery on Stewart Island, New Zealand. Among the main production areas of New Zealand King Salmon, Stewart Island, where Dayong Bay is located, is the closest island to Antarctica in New Zealand, and the average water temperature in the sea area is only 14*C. This also means that the growth rate of King Salmon will be further slowed down, providing a more appropriate breeding environment for the unique flavor of Dayong Bay King Salmon.

New Zealand King Salmon only accounts for 0.7% of the global salmon production. King Salmon has a higher fat ratio and fish oil content, a brighter and rosier color, and a more delicate texture. It is as sweet and plump as double the amount of solidified fat, filling the stomach without being greasy.

Golden ratio fat distribution, tender and plump meat

Tender and plump meat, fragrant and dense fat melts on the tip of the tongue like snowflakes

The difference between the King Salmon and other salmons

The body of the King Salmon is rounder/the belly is thicker/the tail is shorter

The meat of the King Salmon fry is more delicate and tender
The texture/fish fillet is also fatter and thicker

The content of omega-3 fish oil in the King Salmon is much higher than that of other fry varieties
